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I am.
Two of the most powerful words, for what you write after them shapes your reality.

I deeply believe that our thoughts, feelings and words shape our reality. Therefore, what I say after these words is crucial.

I am honest, fun-loving, reflective, self-confident, open and warm in my dealings with people. It is difficult to pigeonhole me as I am very broad-minded. It is important to me to always learn new things and only have as much routine in my life as necessary.

Professionally, I am a coach | mentor and travel consultant for Tanzania. I am an entrepreneur. Before that, I was a kindergarten teacher, business student (with an MSc. degree) and HR manager.

I have already overcome several challenges in my life and learned the lesson that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it is simply important to trust fate, the universe or God (you decide how to call it).

My most profound change began more than two years ago with a trip to Zanzibar (Tanzania). On this beautiful Island in the indian ocean, I not only found the love for this country and its culture, but also for myself again. Before that, I may have had everything I wanted materially, but inside I felt empty and unhappy. The purpose in my life was missing.

Today, I live mostly consumption-free and only buy what I really need. My heart is beating for Tanzania, where I live in a simple room out of my two suitcases. For me, “luxury” consists of a comfortable mattress, a hot shower, a mosquito net and, above all, a half-washing machine. I live with the locals, I eat in their restaurants, buy in their shops and I have to say that I'm happier than ever before.

Silvia in Elerai

It is important to me to bring travelers closer to the country, the people and their culture. The Maasai in particular have cast a spell over me, as I can learn a lot from their way of life, their attitude towards life and, above all, their zest for life. Many of my friends in Tanzania are Maasai, whose life is unfortunately not always so easy. That's why I support a friend's organization that works for the empowerment of Maasai women and the education of children.

I'm looking forward to join you on your very own Simple | Life | Journey. Write to me today and tell me how I can support you.


Best regards,


yours  Silvia

Write to me

Bachweg 9

81444 Tobelbad

Styria | Austria

+43 660 7702152

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